How to Boost Your Web3 Company on Search Results

The world of Web3 and blockchain technology is still relatively new, but it’s growing rapidly. As more businesses adopt decentralized web solutions, competition for search visibility is heating up. Just like with any website or online presence, Web3 companies need effective search engine optimization (SEO) to get found and drive growth.

In this post, we’ll explore Web3 SEO strategies to boost your decentralized app, NFT marketplace, crypto project, metaverse platform, or other Web3 business. While the technology may be complex, good SEO simply requires understanding user intent and providing the most relevant, helpful content. By optimizing for search engines and people, your Web3 company can stand out.

SEO for Web3 Products

What is the SEO Strategy for Web3?

Web3 SEO prioritizes building authority and trust to rank well. Focus on quality over quantity. Human-centered content and positive user experience signal expertise. Optimize for semantics and topical relevance over keywords. Use structured data, schema markup and entity-based optimization.

Understanding Web3 and Its Impact on Digital Marketing

Web3 refers to the next evolution of the internet based on decentralization, blockchain technology, and token-based economics.

As Web3 gains adoption, it is changing digital marketing in major ways:

  • Reliance on trust networks over central authorities
  • More personalized and private user experiences
  • Transparency through on-chain interactions and data
  • Community-owned platforms and assets
  • New revenue models like tokenization
  • The need for educating users on emerging tech

These shifts require digital marketers to rethink their strategies for visibility, traffic acquisition and conversions.

Ways to Boost Your Web3 Company on Search Results

Now let’s explore proven Web3 SEO tactics to improve search visibility and traffic.

Create Topic Clusters Around Buyer Keywords

Topic Clusters

Conduct extensive keyword research using tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to identify terms people search around your Web3 offerings.

Look for a core group of high-intent “buyer” keywords for each main solution, and build out expanded topic clusters with related keywords.

For example, a crypto exchange might target:

  • Buyer keyword: [buy crypto instantly]
  • Expanded cluster: [buy crypto no kyc], [buy crypto with credit card], [buy crypto anonymously], etc.

Optimizing pages around these tight clusters helps dominate search results for each user intent.

Optimize for E-A-T with In-Depth Content

Google’s core ranking factors are Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T).

Web3 content must demonstrate deep expertise on the niche, decentralized topics users are researching. To build authority and trust, provide thorough and accurate information. Avoid thin content just to target keywords.

In-depth content also establishes thought leadership and keeps visitors engaged. Include detailed explanations, statistics, examples, and even tutorials when relevant.

Write Conversational, Easy-to-Digest Content

The challenge with technical Web3 subjects is making them digestible for the average reader. Use conversational language and simplify complex details without losing expertise.

Break concepts down into smaller steps and use analogies to explain blockchain mechanics. Short sentences and paragraphs also improve readability. Strike a balance between expertise and being beginner-friendly.

Structure Content Around User Questions

Shape content that directly answers the questions people ask when researching your Web3 offerings. This “question-focused content” keeps pages tightly aligned with searcher intent.

Look at search autocomplete suggestions to find the top questions for your topics. Common Web3 questions might include:

  • How do I buy NFTs?
  • What is the metaverse?
  • How does Ethereum’s blockchain work?

Craft sections to directly answer each question and use them as headings.

Optimize Page Elements for SEO

Ensure all page elements are optimized for both search bots and human readers:

  • URLs – Use target keyword in slugs when possible.
  • Headings – Incorporate keywords in H2 and H3 tags.
  • Images – Include keyword alt text and file names.
  • Videos – Optimize titles, descriptions and transcripts.
  • Content – Focus on tight, high-value keyword usage.
  • Schema markup – Use standards for better indexing.

Improve Local SEO Reach

For Web3 businesses with a brick-and-mortar location, beef up your local SEO to get found by nearby searchers.

Follow local SEO best practices like optimizing Google My Business and schema markup. Create location-specific landing pages and content when possible.

Build High-Quality Backlink Profiles

Earn backlinks from reputable websites related to blockchain, crypto, NFTs, metaverse, and decentralized apps. This helps establish domain authority and climb rankings for competitive keywords.

Natural link building options include:

  • Reach out to Web3 sites for guest posts
  • Create resources and tools people will link to
  • Participate in relevant communities and forums
  • Attend and sponsor Web3 events
  • Build relationships with influencers

Focus on long-term, trust-worthy links versus manipulative tactics.

Monitor Rankings and Optimize

Track keyword rankings regularly and monitor how your pages perform in search. Improve pages that get traffic but low click-through rates or high bounce rates.

Continue optimizing and iterating content to provide the best possible searcher experience. SEO is never “one and done” – you must monitor and tweak over time.

How Web3 Differs from the World Wide Web That We Know

When the Web2 technology has come, it has widened the availability of data from a single point source to multiple point source. However, in Web3, the data will be completely anonymised and decentralised making it more safe and secure. As a result, any data will be present at multiple locations and can be verified by a number of users. 

These Web3 companies are sprouting up like mushrooms. This initial bloom and boom will soon burst and only the strong businesses will last for a long time. In order to get the right eyes on your business or brand, you need to get proper search engine optimisation for your brand.

Importance of SEO for Web3 Companies

In the Web3 space’s early days, SEO is crucial for a few key reasons:

  • Helps drive mainstream adoption by making Web3 concepts more discoverable.
  • Builds trust and thought leadership for brands in this wild west landscape.
  • Captures intent-driven traffic during the research phase of the buyer’s journey.
  • Provides ROI-positive growth by getting your site in front of high-intent audiences.
  • Levels the playing field against bigger brands for small startups.
  • Future-proofs your Web3 business as search behavior evolves.

With blockchain technology going mainstream, now is the time to build your Web3 SEO foundation. Follow this blueprint to boost your visibility and carve out your niche in the decentralized web.


Gaining visibility for a Web3 business requires a new approach to SEO tailored to decentralized tech and cryptocurrency topics. But the same best practices still apply – extensive keyword research, in-depth and conversational content, technical optimization across pages, and high-quality backlinks.

As the Web3 landscape evolves, search intent and behavior will shift too. That’s why monitoring and constantly optimizing your content based on real data is key. By providing the most helpful information, your company can become a go-to resource and boost awareness among mainstream audiences.

The decentralized web comes with challenges, but huge innovative potential too. For Web3 startups willing to dive into this new SEO frontier, the rewards will be substantial. Use this guide to start driving more search traffic and sign-ups today.

If you are looking for a reliable freelance SEO consultant for ranking your Web3 business, then Josien is the perfect one for you. With a long experience in the SEO sector and many successful crypto and web3 projects on bringing high-quality traffic (like this crypto newsletter) and good revenue to businesses, you need not look any further.

FAQs About Improving Web3 SEO

What is unique about SEO for Web3 sites?

While the optimization best practices are the same, Web3 SEO requires educating readers on complex, technical topics related to blockchain and cryptocurrency. You need expertise on decentralized concepts to create authoritative content.

How can I track Web3 SEO performance?

Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor rankings, clicks, and site traffic data. Track keyword rankings over time to see content improvements. Monitor click-through-rates to optimize pages.

What if my Web3 app is decentralized without its own domain?

You can still create a marketing site to earn backlinks and optimize content around your DApp. List it on DApp directories and build links to drive traffic.

How can I get other Web3 sites to link to my company?

Create truly useful resources, tools, and educational content they’ll want to reference. Reach out to collaborate on co-marketing. Participate in Web3 communities. Sponsor and attend blockchain events.

Is Web3 SEO a good long term investment?

Absolutely. As Web3 adoption grows, owning search visibility will become even more valuable. SEO done right has a compounding effect over time. The work you do now has a multiplying effect later.

Disclosure: The articles, guides and reviews on BlowSEO covering topics like SEO, digital marketing, technology, business, finance, streaming sites, travel and more are created by experienced professionals, marketers, developers and finance experts. Our goal is to provide helpful, in-depth, and well-researched content to our readers. You can learn more about our writers and the process we follow to create quality content by visiting our About Us and Content Creation Methodology pages.

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