Reasons why companies must not overlook the advantages of Email marketing

Email marketing has been around for decades, yet it remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels. Many companies focus their efforts on newer, flashier tactics like social media and paid search ads. But in doing so, they overlook the unique advantages of good old email. Here are compelling reasons why companies must not neglect email marketing.

Create a Killer Email Campaign

Reasons Why Companies Must Not Overlook the Advantages of Email Marketing

It would be best if you hired an agency and used their services to gain high-quality leads and customers. An agency worth its salt will provide you with funnel strategies, cross-selling, follow-up features, and personalized email templates. However, it would be best if you opted for an agency specializing in email marketing for financial services. 

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, and it is still highly relevant today. 

Here are some reasons why you must not overlook email marketing. 

Email Delivers a High ROI

For the money and time invested, email marketing yields an impressive return. Email boasts a 4,300% ROI on average, the highest of any marketing channel. Every $1 spent generates $42 in returns. It outperforms platforms like social media and paid search.

The high ROI stems from email’s low costs and high revenue potential. Broadcast software and email service providers are affordable. Designing and sending campaigns has a lower labor cost than other tactics. But well-executed email nurturing and promotions can generate large revenues from sales, conversions, and customer loyalty.

Email Builds Deeper Relationships

Email is uniquely positioned to cultivate long-term customer relationships. It allows for regular, direct communication over time. Through email, brands can provide subscribers with personalized value not available elsewhere. This builds customer trust and loyalty.

Brands can use email to educate customers, share unique insights, provide helpful advice, and foster community. By consistently offering value, they become respected resources their audience relies on. Email communication strengthens the customer-brand connection in a way social media posts and website content can’t.

Email Drives Traffic and Conversions

Email is one of the top sources of referral traffic to websites. Email clicks convert over 5 times more than social media referrals. Optimized email campaigns boost brand awareness and drive qualified traffic to your site.

Well-timed email promotions also spur immediate sales and conversions. They remind customers about products they left in their cart or tempt subscribers with limited-time discounts. Email’s conversion rates outperform most other digital marketing channels.

Deliverability Rates Beat Social Media

Social Media Presence

Getting social media content seen by followers is becoming harder. As platforms like Facebook and Instagram tweak their algorithms, organic reach has plummeted. Paid ads are necessary to reach a wider audience.

In contrast, email has consistently high deliverability rates to opted-in subscribers. The average open rate for marketing emails is 21%. For Gmail, over 90% of non-promotional emails avoid the spam folder. With social media, brands pay to play. Email lets you reliably reach the subscribers who want to hear from you.

Email Allows Personalization

Email marketing facilitates customization at scale. Marketers can segment their list based on user attributes like demographics, interests, past purchases, and more. They can then tailor email content and offers to their various audiences.

Personalized subject lines, content, and CTAs boost open and click-through rates. When subscribers receive emails relevant to them, they pay more attention. Customized nurturing email journeys also guide prospects towards becoming customers.

Adds Value for Mobile Users

Email is a popular communication medium on mobile devices. Inbox access on smartphones allows users to consume content anywhere, any time. They can get personalized value from brands while on the go.

Ensure mobile responsiveness in email design. Make content easily scannable for mobile with succinct paragraphs, bullet points, bold fonts, and CTAs. Mobile optimization improves brand experience, engagement rates, and conversions.

Leverages Loyal Subscriber Base

Email harvesting lets brands cultivate a first-party database of opted-in subscribers. This owned audience is more loyal than social media followers. They complete sign-up forms and give brands permission to market to them.

A loyal subscriber base protects against platform algorithm changes. Brands own these direct relationships. Email also facilitates sharing content to nurture relationships with potential customers. Grow your email list over time for a loyal audience.

Drives Other Marketing Efforts

Preparing Your Business for Partnership with A Digital Marketing Service

Email marketing supports wider promotional efforts. Use email to promote content offers, social media posts, and sales. Insert links across channels in your email campaigns. This amplifies their reach and traffic.

Email subscribers expect and appreciate receiving updates on new website content, product releases, events, and more. Email marketing indirectly boosts SEO as well by driving site visits and backlinks. It complements both digital and traditional marketing.

Delivers Strong Metrics and Analytics

Big Data Analytics

Robust email marketing analytics provide a wealth of data to inform decisions. Open and click-through rates demonstrate email effectiveness. Metrics like time-to-open and email scroll depth indicate engagement.

Analytics help compare email performance over time and optimize future campaigns. A/B test subject lines, content, layouts, timing, and more. The precise measurability of email far exceeds most other marketing channels. Numbers don’t lie.

Allows Testing and Iteration

Email’s analytics enable continual optimization through testing. Try variations of email copy, design, content, offers, and segments. Subject line A/B testing alone can lift open rates significantly. Test what resonates with your audience and adjust campaigns accordingly.

Email also facilitates dynamic content. Send version A to one segment and version B to others. See which version performs better and why. Constant testing improves email performance over time. Optimization is easier than with social media marketing.

Drives Brand Consistency

Since brands own their email channels, they have full control over messaging and presentation. Email allows consistent brand interaction that avoids third-party algorithm filtering.

Maintain a unified visual identity and voice across email campaigns. This cultivates familiarity and trust with your audience. With social media, branding control is limited. Email marketing establishes consistent brand exposure.

Facilitates Lead Generation

Email is indispensable for capturing new leads. Calls-to-action in emails encourage visitors to convert into leads through forms. Offer lead magnets like exclusive content, discounts, or free trials. Email subscribers are low-hanging fruit for lead gen.

Lead capture forms on blogs and resource pages should have a field to opt-in for emails. This expands your outreach and continues the nurturing journey. Consistently generate new leads through email capture.

Enables Automated Workflows

Automate drip email campaigns that provide value and build relationships with prospects and customers. Welcome new subscribers, onboard clients, drive repeat purchases, win back inactive users, and more.

Automation scales your efforts. With predefined triggers and time delays, you can create personalized journeys without added work. Work smarter, not harder. Let automation power effective nurturing.

Facilitates Re-Engagement

Email facilitates reconnecting with dormant subscribers through win-back and resurrection campaigns. Remarket to inactive users with special offers or content. Messages aimed at re-engagement have open rates 2-3 times higher than standard emails.

Resurrect interest in your brand with tailored outreach to subscribers who have not opened in 3+ months. Win back those who recently unsubscribed. Email provides a second chance to reignite customer relationships.

In Conclusion

Despite rising digital marketing options, email remains highly effective when done right. The unique advantages of email make it a vital component of modern marketing strategies. Don’t neglect your email channel. Leverage its benefits to drive ROI, traffic, conversions, and revenue. Let email strengthen customer relationships and brand growth for the long-term.


What are the key advantages of email marketing?

The main benefits of email marketing include high ROI, relationship-building with subscribers, driving website traffic and conversions, personalization capabilities, loyal first-party data, supporting other marketing efforts, analytics, testing/optimization, automation, and lead generation.

How does email marketing ROI compare to other digital marketing channels?

On average, email marketing yields a 4,300% return on investment, the highest of any digital marketing channel. It outperforms platforms like social media and paid search in terms of ROI. The high return stems from email’s low costs and high revenue potential.

How does email build stronger customer relationships than social media?

Email allows regular, direct communication and the ability to provide subscribers with personalized value over time. This cultivates greater trust and loyalty with customers compared to intermittent social media posts. Email strengthens the customer-brand bond in a unique way.

Why are high deliverability rates an advantage of email over social media?

As social media algorithms evolve, organic reach has decreased drastically. Paid promotions are now necessary to reach wider audiences. But with email, open rates remain consistently high among opted-in subscribers. Email lets you reliably reach your audience without paying extra or battling algorithms.

How can you leverage email marketing to support other digital marketing efforts?

Use email to cross-promote new website content, product releases, events, social campaigns, and more. Insert links across channels in your email blasts to amplify reach and referral traffic. Email marketing indirectly supports SEO too by driving site visits and backlinks.

How does email help capture and nurture new leads?

Call-to-actions in emails drive lead generation through conversion forms. Lead magnets also attract new subscriber sign-ups. New leads can then be nurtured via automated email journeys. Email facilitates the top-to-bottom lead gen and nurturing process.

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