How to Check if a Discord Username is Taken

Joining any new online community can be exciting, but also a bit intimidating. You want to make sure you make a good first impression with your profile and username. When setting up a new Discord account, choosing the perfect username is key. But how can you tell if the username you want is already taken by another user?

Discord is one of the most popular chat and community platforms out there, with over 150 million active users. With so many people on Discord, many of the obvious username choices are likely already taken. So it’s important to know how to check if a username is available before trying to create your account.

The good news is that Discord provides an easy way to verify if a username is taken before you go to claim it. In this post, I’ll walk through the quick and simple steps to check Discord username availability. I’ll also share some tips on brainstorming alternative username ideas in case your first choice isn’t available.

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How to Check if a Specific Discord Username is Taken

Checking whether a Discord username is taken only takes a few seconds. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Discord website. Navigate to in your internet browser. This will bring you to the Discord homepage.
  2. Click “Login” in the upper right corner. This will open the login popup module.
  3. Instead of entering your credentials, click “Register” below the password field. This will take you to the registration page to create a new account.
  4. Enter the desired username you want to check. Type the username you want into the “Username” field on the registration form.
  5. Click the “Continue” button. This will verify if the username is available.
  6. Check for an error message. If the username is already taken, you’ll see a short error message pop up letting you know that username is unavailable.
  7. If no error appears, the username is free! You can now safely use that username by completing the rest of the registration process.

That’s all there is to it! This quick process allows you to test any username to see if someone else on Discord is already using it.

Tips for Checking Username Availability

Here are some handy tips when going to check if your chosen Discord username is available:

  • Check spelling and capitalization. Discord usernames are case-sensitive. “John” and “john” would be different usernames.
  • Try variations by adding numbers. If “john” is taken, try “john117” or “john1990”.
  • Consider using a username generator or hashtag generator to brainstorm creative username ideas. #
  • Use the username check process multiple times to test several options and find an available one you like.
  • Act fast if you find an ideal username is still available! Claim it before someone else does.
  • Avoid including special characters or spaces. Usernames can only include letters, numbers, and select few symbols like dashes or underscores.

Knowing how to quickly verify username availability takes the guesswork out of account setup. You can enter your top username picks during registration to see if any are still up for grabs.

Coming Up With a New Discord Username If Your First Choice is Taken

So you’ve gone through the username check process and unfortunately found your perfect username is already taken. It can be annoying when you can’t claim your first-choice handle, but don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to come up with alternate username ideas to find something unique.

Here are some tips for brainstorming a new Discord username:

Get Creative with Name Variants

One easy option is to tweak your original username idea slightly into something new. You can try:

  • Adding extra numbers or suffixes like “123” or “official”
  • Using alternate capitalizations like “JohnDoe” or “JOHNdoe123”
  • Replacing letters with numbers or symbols like “J0hnD03”
  • Adding prefixes or middle initials like “DJ_John_Doe”

Use Gaming Handles or Nicknames

If you use any gaming handles or nicknames across other platforms, those can often make great unique Discord usernames too. People who know you elsewhere will recognize your nickname on Discord.

Incorporate Hobbies or Interests

Try using a username relevant to your hobbies, like “BasketballPro21” or “DogLover_13”. This lets your personality shine through your handle.

Go for Random or Funny Usernames

Humorous or random usernames like “ChaosMonkey” or “PickleRick21” can be fun too. These types of names tend to be more available and memorable.

Use a Username Generator

For a quick brainstorming boost, use an online username generator tool. Just enter some keywords related to you and it will suggest creative username ideas.

Do a Hashtag Search on Social Media

Search through recent hashtags on platforms like Instagram or Twitter to discover new words and phrases you can turn into great usernames.

With a little creativity, you can come up with a new unique username that’s perfect for you. The key is being flexible and trying out different variations until you find one that’s available.

How to Change Your Discord Username

Discord Username

What if you sign up for Discord but later decide you want a new username? The good news is you can change your Discord username at any time. Here’s how to easily change it:

  1. Open Discord and go to “User Settings”.
  2. Select “My Account” in the menu on the left side.
  3. Next to your current username, click the “Edit” icon.
  4. Enter your new desired username.
  5. Click “Save” to update your username.

Just be aware that your previous username will then become available for anyone else to take. So other Discord users may be able to claim your old handle.

It’s free to change your username, and you can do it as often as you want. This makes it easy to update your handle if your interests change over time or if you just feel like a new look.

Checking Username Availability Before Creating a Discord Server

When creating a new Discord server, you also need to give it a unique name. It works similarly to checking if a username is taken.

To check if your desired server name is available:

  • Go to Discord’s Create Server page. You can find this under the + icon.
  • Enter your potential server name in the name field.
  • Hit “Create Server”. If the name is taken, you’ll see an error message.
  • Try some variations of the name or new name ideas until you find an open server name.

Claiming a unique server name works the same way as a unique username. You just need to test different names and see if any are still available to use for your new server.

In Summary

Claiming your preferred username is an important part of setting up any new Discord account. You want to pick a name that feels uniquely you. By using Discord’s built-in username check function, you can easily test if the handle you want is still available to claim during registration.

If your top choice isn’t available, try out some creative variations or use username generators to come up with alternative ideas. With over 150 million users, many obvious usernames are already taken, so flexibility is key. But with a little persistence, you’ll be able to find the perfect name to represent you on Discord.

Once you do get your ideal handle secured, you can always change your username later if you ever want a refreshed look. Just be aware your old name will then be up for grabs. Thankfully the username change process is quick and easy.

So next time you’re ready to join a new Discord server, follow these tips to effortlessly check availability and score the perfect username that feels uniquely you!

FAQs About Checking Discord Username Availability

How long can a Discord username be?

Discord usernames can be between 2-32 characters long. They can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes.

Can I use spaces in a Discord username?

No, Discord usernames cannot contain spaces. If you want a multi-word name, use dashes/underscores like “John_Doe”.

Can I make my username invisible?

No, Discord doesn’t allow blank or invisible usernames. All usernames must contain at least 2-32 visible characters.

Does Discord notify you when your username is taken?

Yes, if you try to change your username and your new name is taken, Discord will show you an error saying that username is unavailable.

Can someone steal my old username if I change it?

Yes, once you change your Discord username, your old name does become available for anyone else to claim.

Does Discord purge inactive usernames?

No, Discord currently does not automatically release inactive or unused usernames. All taken names remain unavailable unless the user manually changes their name.

Can I check Discord usernames without an account?

No, you need to have a Discord account and be logged in to use the username check function when registering.

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