A Complete Guide to Article Writing Examples For Students

Writing articles can be an excellent way for students to develop important skills like researching, organizing information, and crafting strong arguments. However, many students find getting started with article writing to be intimidating. Having article writing examples to reference can help students understand the elements of a successful article.

Article Writing

In this complete guide, we will provide numerous article writing examples for students. We’ll cover different types of articles students may need to write, including:

  • Newspaper Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Academic Journal Article
  • Website Article

For each type of article, we will break down the key elements with examples students can model. We’ll also provide tips to help students get started with researching and writing excellent articles tailored to their needs.

Elements of a Well-Written Article

Before diving into the specific examples, let’s review the main elements that comprise a high-quality article:

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Your headline is the first thing readers see, so it needs to capture attention and provide a preview of the article topic. Some tips for essay writer to write effective headlines:

  • Keep headlines short, ideally 6-10 words.
  • Use active voice and compelling keywords related to the topic.
  • Avoid vague words like “tips” or “guide.” Be specific.
  • Use formatting like numerals, capitalization, and punctuation to make the headline stand out.

Example: “5 Ways High Schoolers Can Start Writing for Newspapers Now”

Informative Lead Paragraph

The opening paragraph should quickly summarize the main focus of the article. It establishes the angle you’ll be taking and the information readers can expect to learn.

  • Start with a “hook” first sentence that grabs attention.
  • Cover the 5 W’s – who, what, where, when, why.
  • Keep the lead paragraph short – ideally around 2-3 sentences.

Example opening: “With misinformation running rampant, high school students need to bring their voices to local conversations. Writing an op-ed for your hometown newspaper can help you practice persuasive writing while informing your community.”

Evidence-Backed Body Section

The body paragraphs present the detailed information, facts, arguments, and evidence to support your angle on the topic. Some tips for the body section:

  • Organize into logical sections with headers.
  • Use a mix of short and long paragraphs – aim for 3-8 sentences.
  • Incorporate facts, statistics, quotes, and examples as supporting details.
  • End each paragraph with a sentence that transitions into the next section.

Example paragraph: “One effective way to strengthen your writing skills is to join your school newspaper staff. In a national survey, 65% of student journalists said working for a school paper helped them significantly improve research abilities. Writing on tight deadlines with an editor’s feedback pushes you to apply writing best practices.”

Strong Closing

Wrap up your article with a conclusion that reiterates your main points and leaves a lasting impact.

  • Summarize key takeaways from the article.
  • End on a high note by invoking emotions or looking ahead.
  • Close with a call to action when appropriate.

Example conclusion: “With strong critical thinking skills and solid writing, high schoolers can bring needed perspective to community issues. Pitching an op-ed to your local paper provides a rewarding chance to have your voice heard.”

Newspaper Article Examples

Newspaper articles report on events, issues, and people in a way that informs readers. Here are two examples showing how to write effective newspaper articles:

News Report

Headline: Local Robotics Team Advances to State Finals

Lead paragraph: The high school robotics team has built a championship-worthy robot that has propelled them to the state finals next month in Austin for the first time in over a decade.


The Robo Eagles designed and constructed a robot focused on speed that has performed excellently in regional matches. Their robot completed the obstacle course in just 58 seconds, the fastest time among the 25 teams at regionals.

Team captain Naomi Yamaguchi explained that they focused on innovating with lighter materials and a simplified design this year. “We really stripped it down to the essential components needed to maximize maneuverability and speed,” she said.

According to head coach Walter Bennett, the team spent over 400 hours since September designing, building, coding, and testing. Their persistence paid off at the regional competition last weekend where their robot blew away the competition.

In Austin, the Robo Eagles will compete against 55 other top teams from around the state. The annual state finals include a robot skills competition and a mock United Nations crisis scenario that tests the teams’ technical and problem-solving abilities.

Closing: The Robo Eagles are now seeking local sponsors to help cover equipment and travel costs for the state finals. The community is invited to a demo day on March 7th to see the championship robot in action.

Opinion Piece

Headline: Overcrowded Classes Limit Learning for Students

Lead paragraph: With class sizes ballooning and school budgets shrinking, students at our high school are struggling to learn in overcrowded classrooms that exceed 30 or more students.


According to national surveys, the majority of teachers say class sizes over 25 lead to reduced personalized instruction and feedback. It becomes difficult to tailor teaching to individual learning needs in crowded rooms.

Resource shortages in bigger classes also inhibit learning. For example, in my AP Chemistry class that has 32 students, we ran out of lab supplies and now take turns doing experiments instead of getting hands-on experience.

Overcrowded classes not only impact academic instruction but also lead to more disruptive student behaviors. Teachers often resort to more lecturing, which can cause students to lose focus and engage in off-task activities.

While budget constraints exist, investing in more teachers to reduce class sizes needs to be a priority. Limiting class sizes, especially in core subjects, will enable deeper student learning. Students will get more individualized instruction to succeed.

Closing: With classes exceeding 30 students, our school needs to get creative scheduling more sections and hiring more teachers. Students deserve a focused learning environment, not overcrowded rooms that stunt academic growth.

Magazine Article Examples

Magazine articles take a more in-depth, thorough approach to topics than daily news reports. Here are two examples of effective magazine articles for students to model:

Feature Story

Headline: The Surprising Benefits of Daily Meditation at School

Lead paragraph: As schools cut programs to focus on academics, a growing body of research shows skills like self-awareness and focus learned through daily meditation may be the missing element to improve student learning and well-being.


In a study published this month, middle schoolers who participated in two 10-minute mindfulness exercises each day performed better on computer tasks measuring concentration compared to peers. The meditation involved listening to a guiding narration that directed students to focus on their present state without judgment.

Additionally, schools that have implemented schoolwide mindfulness programs have seen reduced discipline issues and absenteeism along with higher test scores.

Lisa Bell, a 7th grade teacher at Oaktree Middle School, says starting class with a 5-minute guided meditation helps students calm down, self-regulate, and transition into learning mode. “The deep breathing exercises help reduce anxiety levels that middle schoolers experience,” Bell said. “Students are much more focused for the rest of class.”

Advocates argue brief, simple mindfulness practices are easy to incorporate and teach fundamental skills benefitting mental health and achievement. With more research, meditation could become an educational best practice.

Closing: As academics push kids to excel at younger ages, meditation may be the missing ingredient that leads to greater focus, emotional intelligence, and academic performance. Momentary mindfulness could have a profound impact on learning.

How-To Guide

Headline: A Beginner’s Guide to Coding Mobile Apps

Lead paragraph: While learning to code takes dedication, middle school and high school students can start acquiring mobile app programming skills through free online tutorials and entry-level courses.


A key first step is deciding which programming language you want to learn. For mobile apps, top options include Java, Swift, Python, and Kotlin. Java is the most universal language while Swift is best for Apple iOS apps. Take a quiz to see which language aligns with your interests.

Next, take advantage of the wealth of free introductory coding courses online. CodeAcademy, Khan Academy, and Udemy all offer interactive modules that teach programming fundamentals. You’ll get hands-on practice building programs and receive feedback as you progress through lessons.

Look into youth coding groups as well. Many nonprofits like Girls Who Code run free app development programs for teens. Participating in a group teaches collaboration and offers support as you code.

As you advance, you can use DIY tools like MIT App Inventor to build basic apps. Seeking out coding mentors in your community is also valuable for personalized guidance tackling new challenges.

Closing: With determined practice using online tutorials, teen-friendly coding groups, and project-based tools, students can gain marketable mobile app development skills – even without prior experience. Soon you’ll be programming the next viral app!

Academic Journal Article Examples

Academic journal articles report original research findings and new scholarly analysis appropriate for an academic audience. Here are two examples:

Original Research Study

Title: The Effects of Class Start Time on High School Student Achievement and Attendance

Introduction: Pressure has increased to move high school start times later given research showing biological changes cause teenagers to naturally wake up later. This study examined how delaying school start times impacted attendance and achievement at a local high school over a two year period.

Methods: Daily attendance records and test scores in math, science, and English were compared across two years for sophomores and juniors before and after school start times changed from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. Data was analyzed using statistical methods including regression analysis. Surveys gathered student feedback.

Results: The analysis revealed attendance rates increased by 14% among students after the delayed start time of 8:30 AM. Test scores in all subjects improved by 6-10 percentage points. Surveys showed 62% of students reported increased alertness and focus in class.

Discussion: The findings align with prior research indicating delayed start times improve outcomes for adolescent high school students by allowing for adequate morning sleep. This provides evidence that schools should consider shifting to later start times to support student health and achievement.

Closing: Delaying high school start times offers a promising intervention to boost student attendance and achievement based on biological sleep patterns. Additional longitudinal studies can support these conclusions.

Literature Review

Title: Computer Science Education Outreach in Middle Schools: Current Approaches and Future Directions

Introduction: Outreach initiatives that provide computer science learning opportunities for middle school students have grown in popularity. This literature review synthesizes research evaluating the effectiveness of different outreach program models.

Methods: Academic studies examining U.S.-based computer science outreach programs at the middle school level were systematically identified using database searches. Findings from the 12 most rigorous studies were compared and contrasted.

Results: Programs centered on culturally relevant coding projects, peer mentoring, and career exposure positively impacted underrepresented minorities and female students the most. Mandatory multi-day camps did not show any advantages compared to voluntary clubs. Mixing middle schoolers with high school role models proved more effective than partnerships with college mentors.

Discussion: The literature suggests outreach efforts should focus on providing sustained hands-on learning and exposure to relatable role models rather than isolated one-off experiences. After-school clubs also appear more promising than external camps. More research is needed on how programs impact pursuit of future computer science studies.

Closing: This review should guide computer science education organizations to design accessible programs for diverse middle schoolers that spark longer-term engagement with the field. Outreach plays a crucial role in diversifying and strengthening the talent pipeline.

Tips for Writing Effective Articles

With models to reference, students can more easily grasp how to structure high-quality articles adapted for their needs. Here are some final tips when writing any type of article:

  • Start by outlining your topic angle and main points. Brainstorm some headline ideas. Having a roadmap makes drafting easier.
  • Conduct thorough research and take detailed notes. Look for credible sources to incorporate facts and statistics.
  • Organize your information into logical sections. Break down complex ideas into simpler paragraphs focused on one main thought.
  • Keep sentences mostly short and straightforward. Vary sentence structure with some longer ones mixed in to keep things interesting.
  • Choose words suited for the target readership. Avoid jargon for general audiences. Define acronyms if used.
  • End each paragraph with a transition sentence to tie your points together. Build the discussion smoothly using transitions.
  • Have a peer, teacher, or parent review your draft. Ask which parts are unclear and need more explanation.
  • Read the article out loud to catch any awkward phrasing. Revise sentences as needed.

With a solid understanding of article structure and elements, students can write effectively for diverse audiences. Referencing the examples above provides models to emulate in crafting engaging articles about current issues and topics relevant to readers. Check for the key ingredients – a strong hook, thorough evidence-based analysis, smooth transitions, and impactful closing. Soon, writing compelling articles tailored for any purpose will come naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are article writing skills important for students to develop?

Developing article writing skills is important for students because it builds critical lifelong abilities like researching a topic thoroughly, determining credible sources, presenting analysis and evidence effectively, and adapting content for different audiences. These skills are valuable both for further education and real-world careers.

What are some different types of articles students can write?

Some common article types students may need to write include news reports, commentaries or editorials expressing an opinion, instructional how-to articles, reviews critiquing books or movies, interviews, biographies profiling noteworthy individuals, and research or academic journal articles presenting new findings.

Where can students get their articles published?

Students have many options for publishing their articles both in school and externally. School newspapers and magazines are great places to submit work. Outside of school, local community newspapers and regional magazines often accept submissions from student writers. High-achieving students may also submit academic articles to scholarly journals for consideration.

How can teachers help students improve their article writing abilities?

Teachers can provide tips on developing article ideas, crafting solid drafts with evidence-based support, and utilizing peer feedback to refine writing. Sharing strong article examples and discussing their techniques is very valuable. Allowing students to take articles through multiple drafts improves quality. Publishing students’ polished work also builds confidence.

What are the most important elements of an article introduction?

An effective article introduction quickly draws readers in using a catchy opening hook, establishes the topic and angle being addressed, summarizes key background context, and previews the information the article will cover. It should be concise while giving enough framework so readers understand what they will gain by reading further.

How do you wrap up an article effectively?

Strong article conclusions summarize key points but also leave readers with something memorable. Recapping major takeaways, relating insights to broader issues, proposing a solution or new perspective, or providing an inspirational final thought can provide satisfying closure. Ending by linking back to a point made in the introduction brings the piece full circle.

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