How To Add Twitch Chat to OBS

Adding Twitch chat to OBS is a great way to engage with your viewers and create an interactive streaming experience. As a new streamer, figuring out how to display Twitch chat on OBS can seem daunting. But with the right plugins and widgets, it’s actually pretty straightforward.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the different methods for adding Twitch chat to OBS Studio so you can start interacting with your viewers.

Add Twitch Chat to OBS

Can You Add Chat to OBS Studio?

Yes, there are a few different methods for adding Twitch chat directly into OBS Studio:

  • Browser Source Plugin
  • Chatbot Widgets
  • Third-Party Overlays

The most popular options are browser sources and chatbot widgets. I’ll explain how to set up both below.

Ways To Add Twitch Chat to OBS

Method 1: Browser Source Plugin

The Browser Source plugin built into OBS Studio lets you display web pages as a source in your scene. This makes it super easy to add Twitch chat.

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. In OBS, click the + button to add a new source.
  2. Select “Browser” as the source type.
  3. Give the source a name like “Twitch Chat”.
  4. Leave the default URL. We’ll change it in a second.
  5. Set width and height. I recommend 300-400 width and 600-800 height.
  6. Click OK to add the source.

Now in the “Browser” source properties, replace the default URL with the Twitch chat embed URL.

It follows this format: twitchusername/chat

Make sure to replace “your twitch username” with your actual Twitch username!

And that’s it! Your Twitch chat is now embedded directly in OBS Studio. You can drag, resize, and position the source however you like.

I recommend adding chat toward the edge of your layout so it doesn’t block the main action. Using transparency and adding a color border around the chat box can also make it stand out.

Method 2: Chatbot Widgets

The other popular option is using chatbot widgets specifically designed to display Twitch chat in OBS. Two main choices are Nightbot and StreamElements.


Nightbot is one of the most popular chatbots on Twitch. They provide a dedicated Twitch Viewer Count and Chat Feed widget perfect for OBS.

To set it up:

  1. Log into Nightbot and go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click “Widgets” in the left sidebar.
  3. Choose the Twitch Viewer Count and Chat Feed widget.
  4. Customize options like text size, scroll speed, etc.
  5. Click the “Copy” button to copy the browser source URL.
  6. In OBS, add a new Browser source and paste the URL.

That’s all it takes to get Nightbot chat in OBS! Having it as a browser source allows full customization.


StreamElements is another top streaming app with chat integration. Their free app includes a standalone Twitch Chat widget.

To install:

  1. Create a StreamElements account and connect your Twitch channel.
  2. Download and install the app.
  3. Launch alongside OBS Studio.
  4. Search the app store for “Twitch Chat” and add the widget.
  5. Position, scale, and customize the chat widget in OBS.

The StreamElements chat widget has built-in dark mode, colored usernames, and other handy features. But Nightbot offers more flexibility for advanced customization.

Method 3: Third-Party Overlays

There are also third-party Twitch chat overlays you can buy or download for free and import directly into OBS as a source.

For example:

  • Twitch Chat Overlay by Streamlabs (free)
  • Primal Overlays (paid & free options)
  • Own3d Overlays (free)

These overlays usually come as web-based browser sources or files formatted for OBS (.overlay or .webm). Just follow the instructions to add the source or import the overlay file.

This option is quick and easy. But you have less control customizing the design compared to the other methods.

Customizing Your Twitch Chat in OBS

Once you’ve implemented Twitch chat using one of the above methods, here are some tips for customizing the look:

  • Position – Place chat off to the side or corner so it doesn’t obstruct the main broadcast.
  • Size – Scale the chat window appropriately so text is readable.
  • Transparency – Add transparency so chat doesn’t fully block your scene behind it.
  • Borders – Outline chat with borders, background colour, or drop shadows to make it stand out.
  • Alerts – Configure chat bots or plugins to display new followers, subs, hosts etc.
  • Emotes – Make sure to enable Twitch emotes in the chat for the full experience.
  • Subscriber Colors – Set subscriber names to be coloured to stand out in chat.
  • Slow Mode – Optionally enable slow mode to prevent chat moving too fast.
  • Text Size – Adjust text size and scroll speed as needed.
  • Moderation – Set up moderation tools like banned words and auto-timeouts.

With some customization, you can make Twitch chat feel like an integral part of your stream layout. Take the time to tweak it until it looks and functions just the way you want.

Streaming Without Chat On-Screen

While Twitch chat can enhance engagement, displaying it visually on-stream isn’t absolutely necessary. Some top streamers choose to interact with chat on a second monitor without adding it to their layout.

Reasons you may want to stream without on-screen chat:

  • Avoid chat toxicity or negativity on stream
  • Prevent chat from being distracting
  • More minimal or immersive layout
  • Technical limitations

Streaming without chat on your layout is perfectly fine. You can still engage with viewers in real-time on a separate monitor.

But for most streamers, the benefits of adding Twitch chat directly in OBS Studio outweigh the downsides. Just be sure to moderate your chat appropriately!

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Choosing the Right Chat Display Method

When deciding how to add Twitch chat to OBS, which option should you choose? Here’s a quick comparison:

Browser Source

  • Simplest setup
  • Fully flexible customization
  • Requires modding chat externally

Chatbot Widget

  • Dedicated integration
  • Built-in emotes and tools
  • Less design control

Third-Party Overlay

  • Quick to import and use
  • Cool premade designs
  • Least customization

For most streamers, I recommend the Browser Source method for the best balance of ease-of-use and customizability.

But chatbots and overlays can also be great alternatives if you value built-in features over design flexibility.

The most important thing is picking a Twitch chat integration that works for your stream. Test out different options to see what fits your tech setup and aesthetic.

Additional Ways to Display Chat

Besides adding Twitch chat directly in OBS Studio, here are a couple other options:

  • Mobile – Show chat on your phone or tablet nearby.
  • Second Monitor – View Twitch chat on a second display.
  • VR – For VR streamers, overlay chat into your Mixed Reality view.
  • Stream Deck – Add a Stream Deck button to toggle chat visibility.

Get creative with how you view and interact with Twitch chat as a streamer. How you ultimately choose to display it is up to you!

Common Issues Displaying Twitch Chat in OBS

Here are some common issues you may run into when trying to get Twitch chat showing up on OBS Studio:

  • Blank box – This usually means the browser source URL is incorrect. Double-check check you have the right Twitch embed link.
  • Login required – If it says “login to view chat”, make sure you’re logged into the correct Twitch account everywhere.
  • Chat not updating – Browser sources can sometimes cache old chat data. Refreshing the cache usually fixes it.
  • Colours not working – For custom colours and subscriber name colours to work, make sure you enable it in the Twitch chat settings.
  • Too fast or too slow – Adjust chat scroll speed and text size to get the pace right. Slow mode can also help for fast chats.
  • Flickering – If chat flickers, try enabling anti-aliasing in the browser source properties.

With the right settings and URL, getting Twitch chat to display correctly in OBS is straightforward. But little issues can arise that are easy to troubleshoot.

Tips for Engaging With Chat in OBS

Once you’ve got Twitch chat showing up in OBS Studio, here are some tips for effectively engaging with your viewers:

  • Glance regularly – Check chat often so messages don’t go unnoticed. But don’t get distracted from the main broadcast.
  • Respond verbally – When appropriate, read chat messages out loud and respond conversationally.
  • Highlight interactions – Call out specific users when responding to their chat messages.
  • Ask questions – Directly prompt chat with questions to spark discussion.
  • Moderate effectively – Keep chat positive with proactive moderation. Slow mode and banned words can help.
  • Catch key moments – See when big events happen in chat like new follows and cheer messages.
  • Be inclusive – Try to actively engage all viewers, not just the most vocal. Make lurkers feel involved too.

Getting the balance right between focusing on your stream and interacting with Twitch chat takes practice. But being attentive and inclusive will help build a thriving community.


Adding Twitch chat into OBS Studio is an easy way to boost engagement, entertainment, and production value on stream. The most flexible options are browser sources or dedicated chatbot widgets.

Focus on picking the display method that best fits your personal streaming setup and style. With the chat directly integrated into your stream layout, you can interact seamlessly with viewers and moderate chat in real-time.

At the end of the day, good moderation and active engagement matter far more than how you technically show Twitch chat on-screen. But with the techniques in this guide, you have all the tools needed to integrate chat into OBS Studio like a pro!

The next time someone asks how to add Twitch chat to OBS, you’ll have the answer. Now get out there, start streaming, and interact with your fans!


What are the main benefits of adding Twitch chat to OBS?

The main benefits are increased viewer engagement, production value, ability to moderate chat in real-time, and instant feedback from your audience. It makes interacting seamlessly with Twitch chat possible directly in OBS Studio.

Does displaying Twitch chat on OBS take up resources?

A little bit – displaying a browser source or widget in OBS requires some extra memory and GPU usage. But with today’s modern streaming PCs, the impact is usually negligible.

Can I add Twitch chat to OBS on a single monitor setup?

Yes, definitely! Having 2 monitors is convenient, but adding Twitch chat as a browser source or overlay in OBS works fine with a single monitor. Just position chat off to the side.

Is it possible to add multiple Twitch chats to OBS at once?

With browser sources, you can duplicate the chat URL to add multiple columns of Twitch chat in OBS. This allows you to monitor chat activity on different channels at the same time.

Can I use Streamlabs Chatbot and Nightbot simultaneously?

Absolutely! Many streamers use both Streamlabs and Nightbot together for maximum moderation capabilities in chat. You can display the widget from one or both in OBS.

How do I customize colours and text in the Twitch chat overlay?

For browser sources, you can customize all the colours, text styling, etc via CSS. For chatbot widgets and overlays, you’ll need to adjust it in their provided customization settings.

Is it better to show Twitch chat on the left or right side in OBS?

This comes down to personal preference. Keep in mind left-to-right readers will naturally look to the right first. But test both and choose what feels most natural for interacting with your specific stream layout.

Can I get chat from YouTube, Facebook, etc in OBS too?

Yes! The methods above work for embedding live chat feeds from other platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and more. Just use the appropriate chat embed URLs.

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