Cyber Fordism: Standardizing the Digital World of Vehicles

Digitalization is nowadays playing an important role in all aspects of people’s lives. The automotive industry is no exception, and it should prepare its digital ecosystem.


Connectivity is the basis of all facets of the modern world, whether it is home or work. The rapid increment of the Internet of Things has led to a new level of communication between smart devices. This leap was felt by cars too.

In order to use the advantages of this new era fully, the automotive industry should ready its digital ecosystem. If we create the foundation for compatibility now, this will be paid off for manufacturers, drivers, and programmers in the coming years.

Digital standardization is the next great leap in the world of cloud technologies for the automotive industry. Sometimes nuts and bolts opened a new era for cars in the previous century while creating a digital ecosystem will make a revolution in the automotive industry today.

Mazes and Knots

Digital components and digitalization have touched businesses of many industries: companies where you can buy research papers, media, finance, pharmaceuticals, etc. Increasing the number of digital components utilized in vehicles has led to them becoming an organic mess. Incalculable processors, subsystems, sensors, and systems overlap and overlap but do not interact and exchange data. This is due to each component operating in its own physical or virtual format. There is no great design to tie them together. Many consumers simply do not see this hidden mess. Maybe they are not even affected by it. But programmers are those who certainly see this mess. The complexity of reading, interplaying, and troubleshooting this detailed data makes it troublesome to develop new functions and even eliminate potentially dangerous software issues.

For some people, a full rebuilding of the digital ecosystem of complete vehicle fleets can appear a complicated task, but in reality, it is not so. Investments of each party in standardization will be paid off. Moreover, the proper technology has already existed for this. This can vastly improve the process of correcting older issues and vulnerabilities in the vehicle software. Traditionally, there have been no contractual clauses transferring responsibility for the elimination of these quality defects. This implied that every time when a manufacturer of original equipment wanted to do a repair, there was a need to pay great sums of money. Standardization of how manufacturers of original equipment interact with the software of various vehicles would make this process vastly easier.

Manufacturers, as well as programmers, have the ability to utilize new technologies now. For instance, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning can process data gathered in the vehicle and learn from them. These programs have the possibility to standardize the data gathered by a number of previously incompatible sensors and turn them into valuable information.

Influence on the Customer

Do not think that this new era for the industry will be of interest only to a select group of programmers. It proposes a bunch of new possibilities for automakers to sell and for clients to enjoy.

Safety has always been the main element of vehicle design. Standardization proposes new opportunities to further develop past achievements. In the previous leap, cars have become equipped with a number of sensors such as cameras, GPS, and odometers.  If the information was gathered by these devices, the vehicle could not only build a more detailed picture of its condition than was possible before but also react to it. For instance, cars moving on a snowy road can automatically determine conditions and activate safety protocols (for example, traction control) and at the same time warn the driver on display.

The vehicle would likewise have the possibility to interpret the behavior of the driver and passengers in the vehicle. This will help to provide a safer or more enjoyable driving experience. Cars will analyze changes in human behavior (for example, handling and speed), and they will be able to recognize when the driver writes text messages, ignore speed limits, and is distracted. Cars will immediately alert the driver and avert a possible car accident. Another example, as soon as the vehicle detects a child in the back seat, cars can send a reminder to parents in order to activate child safety locks.

Moreover, car owners who give their vehicles to others have the possibility to set up security and surveillance protocols to provide the safety of passengers. Parents of teenage drivers can select to receive set notifications based on information from vehicle sensors as soon as the number of passengers in the vehicle varies or when vehicle occupancy exceeds the safety threshold.

Onboard Mechanics

In addition to the appearance of improvements in the driving experience, connectivity will likewise enable vehicles to process data better and find new possibilities for efficiency and safety.

For instance, sensors that control the operation of individual components while the car is in motion can discover new or even future malfunctions long before the driver detects them. Prevention is much better than cure. Diagnostics of malfunctions before they become malfunctions will not only increase safety but likewise reduce expenses on repair for consumers and manufacturers. Moreover, digital malfunctions in connected vehicles can be detected, diagnosed, and repaired remotely. There will not be a need for physical intervention. Besides, sensors in vehicles can detect the rate of deterioration in different parts and offer ways to extend the life of the vehicle. This can refer to such processes as fuel consumption. The vehicle can advise more efficient driving speeds to reduce fuel consumption as well as emissions.

Revolution is Near

A century has already passed after Ford made a revolution in the automotive industry by standardizing physical parts. Nowadays, automakers and drivers can benefit from an analogical transformation. It is possible to carry out standardization in the IT infrastructure of vehicles. Developers will be able to solve issues and bring new functions to market at high speed. This, in turn, will improve the driving experience and client safety.

Moreover, this transformation is not restricted by the model and brand of the vehicle. Every client, programmer, and manufacturer can utilize this standardized world. The most important is that the technology already exists. That’s why we have the perfect opportunity, and everything depends on us.


If there is greater communication between components of a vehicle, new safety functions will be offered. Vehicle sensors throughout the car will be able to transfer data to a shared processor in the car or the cloud. There will be a clearer picture of the conditions where the car is placed. For instance, icy roads can be detected automatically, and relevant vehicle safety functions will be turned on. The speed will be reduced, and car accidents will be prevented.

Not only will the driving experience be improved but also the efficiency and maintenance of vehicles. It will be possible to recognize the first signs of potential malfunctions, diagnose and prevent them in advance. Moreover, it can be performed remotely.

Standardization has influenced the automotive industry long before. Nowadays, the automotive industry is on the verge of a new revolution. If you standardize the digital ecosystem in vehicles, the automotive industry will have the ability to propose interesting new products and functions. They will improve both the driving and passenger experience.


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