The Utmost Guide to Keyword-Optimized Content Writing for Your WordPress

When you’re creating content for your WordPress website, you want to make sure it checks all the right boxes. That means that your content needs to be successful on different levels. That includes providing valuable information, reaching the right target audience, and ranking high on Google. To make sure you’re doing all of this right, you’ll need to write keyword-optimized content.

Keyword Optimized Content

And, if you’re not sure what keyword-optimized means or how you can do it, just keep reading. We’ve put together this ultimate guide to keyword-optimized content writing for your WordPress.

Let’s take a closer look at the steps you need to follow:

1.    Conduct Keyword Research

You want to make your writing keyword-optimized. That means that the first step in that process is finding the right keywords for your content.

If you think that you can do it without keyword research tools, you’re wrong. You need to start using tools such as:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ubersuggest
  • Soovle

These tools will help you find all the right keywords for your content. All you’ll need to do is:

  • enter a keyword or phrase to get started and get suggestions
  • look at the Google search volume, competition, average CPC (cost-per-click), average monthly search, etc.
  • choose the keywords that you find most suitable for your content intention

Finding and using the right keyword research tool is a necessity that you can’t do without. You have to find the tool that will give you insight and data into the numbers that you have to analyze.

2.    Choose Keywords Wisely

Another common misconception that you might believe in is that the keyword with the highest search volume is the best keyword for you.

We need to beg to differ.

Keywords with the highest search volume are most often what we like to call “global” keywords. Those are keywords such as:

They are rather general and don’t reveal that much about the specific content you’re writing. Plus, multimillion-dollar marketing agencies are fighting to rank highest for those keywords, which means you stand no chance.

But, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing for you. It only means you should choose a more specific keyword.

So, go for something like:

  • the healthiest type of coffee
  • common content marketing mistakes
  • a healthy lifestyle during the lockdown

This way, you’re using a keyword with a lower search volume, but that is closer to the content you’re covering. That means they’ll signalize your target audience that they should read your content for the specific searches they made.

3.    Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Once you’ve found the right keywords that you want to include in your content and rank for, you need to think about keyword placement.

If you think that the rule is “the more keywords, the better,”- you’re wrong once again.

Keywords are there to signalize Google search engines as well as people that your content suits their search intentions. But, they are also there to make your content quality better.

Keyword stuffing means:

  • using too many keywords to boost your SEO ranking (which is impossible)
  • damaging the quality of the content to satisfy the search engines

Here’s an example of what keyword stuffing looks like:

  • You want to know what is the best type of coffee and the healthiest type of coffee and what coffee is healthiest to consume?

Keyword stuffing is wrong, and you need to avoid it. Instead, make sure you’re adding the keywords to the content naturally.

The readers shouldn’t even recognize them as anything special, just another part of the content they’re enjoying.

4.    Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

When you’re writing for your WordPress website, and you’re choosing what keywords to rank for, you need to avoid keyword cannibalization.

Keyword cannibalization is:

  • optimizing different pages and blog posts for the same search query, keyword, or key phrase

That means that more than one blog post or page on your WordPress website is ranking for the same keyword.

This practice is wrong because it:

  • confuses the search engines
  • makes all the pages involved weaker in ranking
  • makes you compete against yourself on Google

So, instead of investing all your efforts into a single blog post and making it strong and powerful, you’re dividing your efforts into smaller portions on several different blog posts.

That makes your SEO weak, and your attempt to rank higher won’t be a success.

Therefore, avoid keyword cannibalization completely and focus on a single page for a single search query.

5.    Provide Actual Value

If you’re only focusing on satisfying the search engines, you’ll never be able to build a solid base of target audience members who love and read your content.

Instead, you’ll manage to trick them into opening your page once or twice before they realize there’s nothing interesting to see or read.

This is why you have to focus on providing actual and instant value to the people who visit your WordPress website.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • cover the topics your target audience cares about
  • stay informed and update your content
  • rely on credible sources of information
  • provide data and facts
  • share tips and solve problems
  • teach, guide, or educate

If you provide your website visitors with valuable content, they’ll come back to you for more content. This will increase your conversion rate, and your ranking will be boosted.

Valuable content is another necessity you can’t do without.

6.    Don’t Deceive

Did it ever happen to you that you search for something on Google, and one of the top results for your search has nothing to do with what you wanted?

For example, you type the phrase “handmade leather shoes,” and the first-page result seems to be just right. But, once you click it, you realize it’s about a bridal boutique in London.

This is because some people use tricks to rank highest for a keyword, but their content doesn’t meet the search intent of the visitors.

You don’t want to do this, ever. It will only bring you:

  • angry page visitors
  • high bounce rate

You won’t be able to start a long-lasting relationship with anyone based on tricks such as these. Make sure your keywords fit the content of your WordPress page perfectly.

7.    Be Professional

Finally, you have to make sure that everything you publish on your WordPress website is written professionally and accurately.

That implies:

  • no typos, spelling mistakes, or grammar mistakes
  • proper structure
  • information organization
  • consistent style, tone, and vocabulary

If you think you need help with writing like a professional, check out these services that write research papers online. You can also check out Thesaurus for finding the best vocabulary or Pexels for making your posts more visually appealing.


Final Thoughts

Keyword-optimized content writing is challenging because you have to pay attention to numerous different aspects at the same time. From content quality to SEO, you need to make sure you’ve got everything covered just the way it’s supposed to be.

Hopefully, the tips we’ve shared above will help you establish your own keyword-optimized writing strategy. Use them as guidance and practice them on all your future content writing for your WordPress website.


Disclosure: The articles, guides and reviews on BlowSEO covering topics like SEO, digital marketing, technology, business, finance, streaming sites, travel and more are created by experienced professionals, marketers, developers and finance experts. Our goal is to provide helpful, in-depth, and well-researched content to our readers. You can learn more about our writers and the process we follow to create quality content by visiting our About Us and Content Creation Methodology pages.

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